
Is traditional marketing still relevant?

As companies worldwide flock towards the trend of digital/social media marketing, lets take a step back and compare it with traditional marketing methods (such as television and printed advertisements). Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing Costs Lower costs per audience reached. Digital materials cost significantly less to produce. Relatively higher costs, considering factors such as printing physical…

Creating a successful IMC Campaign – 3 Tips for Beginners

In 2013, a Hyundai commercial promoting its new car was uploaded on YouTube. Shortly after, it was taken down after facing outrage and backlash from viewers. The commercial depicts a man about to commit suicide, but failed to do so as the car emission was 100% water. Clearly, the theme of suicide did not sit…

Internet-of-Things – All you need to know

The Internet-of-Things, also known is IoT, is the connection of devices and humans through the internet. As technology improves constantly, the internet has found its way into objects that nobody would have imagined twenty years ago. Mention the word ‘internet’ back in 2000, most people would probably imagine a bulky desktop with a squarish screen,…

3 tips to improve your Mobile Marketing

What is mobile marketing? Mobile Marketing generally refers to any form of marketing that makes use of mobile devices. It is similar to internet marketing, but more optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones. Why is it important? A large majority of consumers today access the internet through mobile devices more frequently, rather than desktops…

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) vs Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are two closely related digital marketing strategies, yet they have very distinct differences between them. So how do we tell them apart and decide which is the superior method for your business? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) In a nutshell, SEO is the optimizing of content on your website,…

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