Internet-of-Things – All you need to know

What is “Internet Of Things”(IOT)?Absolute Beginners | by Salmen Zouari |  Medium

The Internet-of-Things, also known is IoT, is the connection of devices and humans through the internet. As technology improves constantly, the internet has found its way into objects that nobody would have imagined twenty years ago.

Mention the word ‘internet’ back in 2000, most people would probably imagine a bulky desktop with a squarish screen, running Internet Explorer at 56 kbps. Today? The average internet speed has increased more than 3000 times, and it could fit right into your pocket – in fact most people’s pockets.

Being portable and fast means that it can be integrated into all sorts of devices, forming a network through which devices ‘talk’ to each other, analyzing data collected and making our lives more convenient than ever before.

How does it work?

Internet of Things applications

This is one example of how IoT works. The righter-most column are objects that are designed to be internet-compatible. These can be connected to a local network, such as Local Area Network (LAN) connection, which are then connected to the global internet. We then have the cloud services, which are essentially users ‘renting’ storage and processing power from a service provider. All these lead up to the user at the end of the chain, controlling the network of devices with something like a smartphone, tablet or computer.


There are practically unlimited ways that IoT can be used, but here some noteworthy examples:

  • Smart homes
  • Self-driving cars
  • Smart city
  • Smart grids
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While IoT opens up a whole new world of possible applications, there are still certain issues that can be improved on.


As with anything internet-related, security is a primary concern. With the amount of data that IoT devices collect and process, a compromised system can result in sensitive personal information being leaked, and even worse, to malicious hackers.

An example would be webcams. It is not uncommon to hear of webcams being hacked, whether by people with malicious intent or not. Hence, you should always ensure that your devices are secure and the data being transmitted are properly encrypted.

Cyber Security—Advancing through AI - IEEE Innovation at Work


Somewhat related to the security issue, the privacy concern also considers the large amounts of data collected by these devices. Companies that sell these devices to you could collect these information to profile you for other purposes such as advertising.

So, what are your thoughts on IoT? Do you think the benefits are worth the drawbacks that it brings? Feel free to drop a comment below!

8 thoughts on “Internet-of-Things – All you need to know

  1. Hi, zhixiang. I think the way you write your blog is streamlined and well organized. Regarding the point of view of IoT, I think you can write more examples on business expansion applications, which will help you to explain the theory.


    1. Hi Zhan Zhong, thanks for reading and providing your valuable feedback! Yes, to elaborate on some examples of business applications, we can see companies like Amazon releasing the Alexa digital assistant and other smart home systems. These smart home systems enable the owner to access and control many aspects of their home using a single system, which is definitely convenient and easy to manage!


  2. Hello Zhi Xiang, I enjoyed reading your blog and appreciate you touching on the Security and Privacy aspects of IoT! With the advancement of IoT and the extensive application of IoT in various industries such as Smart Healthcare and Smart Farming, it will definitely make our lives easier. However, with Singapore having an aging population and high number of elderly, do you think IoT will be well received and used by those of the older generation?


    1. Hello Biyun, it is an interesting point you have brought up! In my opinion, it could be a challenge for the older generation who are mostly not as tech-savvy to integrate IoT into their lives. However, IoT devices can still be used with a caregiver (such as their children) providing assistance from time to time. Over time, they may even get used to the devices themselves and learn how to operate them one their own!


    1. Hello, I feel that cyber threats can be mitigated with good security software and protocols generally. However, if the information to be protected is more sensitive in nature, companies can look to hire specialists in that area!


  3. Hi Zhixiang! I agree with your point about the implications of acquiring IoT technology. In my blog,, I have elaborated on one of the IoT applications as media streaming devices. Since there would be concerns of security and privacy issues, in your opinion, what would be the possible solution or preventive measures companies can take up to avoid such issues?


    1. Hi Stephy, thanks for reading my blog! One of the preventive measures that companies could implement would be to ensure that their data transmission is always encrypted. Not only does it ensure the data integrity of the companies itself, but also allows user to have a peace of mind when using their products, creating a win-win situation! Hope that answers your question!

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